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Rebuilding Detroit: JP Morgan Chase and Regeneration of Detroit

  •  Published by Pete Nisbet on   May 10, 2017  

Rebuilding Detroit after its horrendous decline is to be assisted by extra funding. It is expected to be announced today that New York multinational banking and financial service holding company JP Morgan Chase & Co is investing a further $50 million in the regeneration of Detroit. This comes on [...]

Gold Prices Dropping – Buy Before or After Next Rate Hike?

  •  Published by Pete Nisbet on   May 7, 2017  

Gold prices are dropping and many informed sources believe this is a good time to invest. In fact, gold prices reached their lowest for three weeks on Thursday. Gold is currently selling for $1,225 an ounce which is 4% down on the same time last year.  In fact, it has dropped 5% over the last 6 mon [...]

Chinese Investment in London Increasing with Cheesegrater Sale

  •  Published by Pete Nisbet on   May 7, 2017  

Chinese investment in London UK has reached an all-time high. The sale of The Cheesegrater to CCL Land, a Hong Kong based developer, is a significant acquisition.  The £1.15 billion purchase doubled Chinese investment in the UK capital in quarter 1 to an all-time high of £2.3 billion. There are o [...]

IAG Profit UP First Quarter – Record IAG Performance and Reasons Why

  •  Published by Pete Nisbet on   May 6, 2017  

IAG profit levels have increased in the first quarter, ending 31st March.  International Airlines Group owns operators British Airways, Aer Lingus, Iberia and Vueling.  CEO [...]

Brexit News – Banks Leaving London Due to Brexit and Passporting

  •  Published by Pete Nisbet on   May 3, 2017  

The latest Brexit news is that two banks have confirmed that they are planning their move from London prior to the UK leaving the EU. Standard Chartered is one, and the other is the U.S. bank Morgan Chase. T [...]

Federal Reserve Interest Rate Increase Likely in June

  •  Published by Pete Nisbet on   May 3, 2017  

The Federal Reserve interest rate is expected to be maintained at the current level at today’s meeting.  Economists favor the expected increase to be in June. The Fed's decision will be released Wednesday afternoon, at the end of its scheduled 2-day meeting. It will probably make two more interes [...]

BP Profit – BP is Back in Profit Due Helped by Oil Price Increase

  •  Published by Pete Nisbet on   May 2, 2017  

BP profit figures have been assisted by a recovery in the price of oil. Nevertheless, it should be stressed that, while BP has posted a profit for the first three months of 2017, the market is still volatile and can change at any time. [...]

US Government Spending Bill: Congress Excludes Mexico Wall

  •  Published by Pete Nisbet on   May 1, 2017  

The U.S. government spending bill that will enable the government to function until the end of September has been agreed by Congress. The deal reached between Republican and Democratic congress negotiators has given an increase in cash to the military ($12.5 billion increase) and border security ($1 [...]

US Economy Slowing Down – US GDP Slowdown Reversal Needed

  •  Published by Pete Nisbet on   April 29, 2017  

The US economy is slowing down and there is need for a US GDP slowdown reversal pretty quick! In fact, over the first three months of 2017, GDP has expanded by only 0.7% against analysts’ expectations of 1%.  This is the slowest rate since the same three months in 2014. This information was publi [...]

Facebook and Google Scam: Internet Giants Victims of Phishing Attack

  •  Published by Pete Nisbet on   April 29, 2017  

A Facebook and Google scam has been revealed, where the two internet giants have been victims of what is claimed to be a $100 million (£77m) phishing attack. The initial report came out in March, when news was released of a phishing attack by Lithuanian Evaldas Rimasauskas on two major U.S. technol [...]